Creative Me
2 min readDec 6, 2021


Yes! Celebrate Now for No Reason at All

Image Credit: Pexels

Quite reluctantly…I boarded the auto to the mall.

The wind playing with my hair while my mind tossing the question to me — whether to or not to, whether to or not to…? Well, this ‘whether to or not to’ was about going shopping in the mall, that I wasn’t able to decide. Trivial, isn’t it?

The following weekend I was heading for a vacation to the sultry beaches out of town and the indecisive me was wondering if I needed to pick up a few trendy shorts or just do away with my usual tees n tops.

‘I shouldn’t be shopping now’ said my mind. Life wasn’t ‘happening’. Nothing in particular that I was proud of at this moment. So why shop? Especially when there’s no reason to celebrate.

‘Oh! Then we must, for certain!’ voiced my heart, ‘simply because there’s no reason to….’

Who says there should be a greater reason to indulge in little things that make us happy? Be it a pedicure, a warm massage at a local spa, a trendy haircut, a roadside chaat treat or an impulsive pick from the Fashion Street, attempting to imitate the glam look of one of our fav movie stars. If doing little things add more joy to our lives, why postpone that until we make remarkable achievements? Wait until I achieve that milestone, climb the proverbial ladder, make tangible assets etc. Why wait that long?

Sure, having a successful life, a dream career, perfect relationships(if there are any really) are good reasons to celebrate. But being blessed with this very moment, and perhaps most importantly, the freedom to make choices is in itself a huge reason to celebrate. A valid one at that, isn’t it? So let’s go ahead and pamper ourselves now, I thought to myself. The decision was made! Shop till you drop, well I didn’t go that far and that was not needed but permitting myself to splurge on oneself without pushing it for a future better day or time in life made me happy. Genuinely happy.

So folks, if you too are among the ones who feel there is no reason to pamper yourself unless you earn your brownie points, shake yourself and say aloud, ‘the time is now!’ A reason to celebrate life!

Right friends?

